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2020 Accounts and year end statement

Finance arrangements

The Office of the Children’s Commissioner is an independent body and therefore not a department of the Government of Jersey. However, it is ‘hosted’ by a Government Department (the Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Department) and, as such, its staff are employed by the States Employment Board and are on civil service pay and conditions. 

The Government of Jersey is required in Law to provide resources for the Commissioner for Children and Young People, and this includes financial resources and other services. The Commissioner provides her own IT and accommodation but has decided to ask the Government of Jersey to provide all other services, such as pay roll, human resources support, and so on.

The Commissioner for Children and Young People is the budget holder. The Director General of Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance (SPPP) is the Accountable Officer and signs off all finances relating to the Office of the Children’s Commissioner. As such the finances of the Office of the Children’s Commissioner is subject to the Government of Jersey internal audit.

The framework agreement between the Office of the Children’s Commissioner and the SPPP Department can be read in full here.

To see the Government of Jersey’s 2020 Annual Operational and Financial Capability Assessment for our office, click here.


The Government’s internal auditors carry out the audit of the Office of the Children’s Commissioner as part of the SPPP Government Department, in order to achieve effective and efficient governance, risk and control processes.

The Commissioner for Children and Young People is within the scope of audit conducted by the Government of Jersey external auditors. The Commissioner has been advised by her Audit and Risk Panel that the value of a further external audit would be limited, given the audit work already conducted over the processes that control the office’s material expenditure. 


For 2020 the budget was £714,415. Click on the image below to see a breakdown of our expenditure for the year.

Our priorities were:

69% of the budget was spent on staffing costs and premises costs

31% of the budget was spent directly on projects to promote and protect children’s rights in the Island

During 2020, the following staff employed:

Children’s Commissioner

Communications Officer

Participation Officer

Interim Senior Caseworker

Casework Officer

Executive Assistant

Interim Policy Principal

Project Manager (maternity leave and career break)

Policy Principal (maternity leave and career break)





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